May 2022 Product Updates

Get more with Rivet.

See how we're upgrading our products this month.

Estimates: Use Estimates to provide good faith estimates and collect up-front payment from your uninsured and insured patients.

Learn more about Rivet's Estimates product.

Denials: Use Denials as a workflow management tool to analyze, assign, manage and rework denied claims. 

Learn more about Rivet's Denials product.

Underpayments: Use Underpayments as a workflow tool to analyze and rework payment variance. 

Learn more about Rivet's Underpayments product.




Workflow enhancements

New estimate accuracy reporting

Look into the accuracy of your estimates and see the reasons behind any inaccuracy to get a clearer picture of how your estimates are faring and what training your team members need.


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New columns + filters on estimates table

Customize your estimate worklist with the following new columns + filters: status, insurance product, due date and service location.

Assign + bulk assign estimates

Have you started an estimate and couldn't complete it because you needed input from someone else on your team? Now you can assign one or more estimates to specific team members.

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New due dates for unfinished estimates

Select assignees, select a due date, and add a comment when creating estimates from the main estimate page.

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Now send estimates in bulk 

Send or resend multiple estimates via email or text with a few quick clicks.

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Simplify your workflow.

New bulk actions for multiple line items

Work denials at the claim level: Use the bulk actions menu on the line item page to set the status, assign, or leave a note on multiple line items from the same claim.

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"Select all" and "clear" added to dropdown filters

Easily select everything in a filter or clear your selection without having to uncheck every box.

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New rendering + billing provider filters

In place of “Provider” we added “Rendering provider” and “Billing provider” to our worklist table columns and filters to fit how your team reworks claims.

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"Unknown" on imported claim + remit info

When Rivet imports claim and remit information that has an unknown mapped payer, rendering provider, or billing provider, you'll see “Unknown” in gray on both the worklist and the line item view.

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New procedure codes + updated code groupings

We've added new procedure codes and updated code groupings which you can see on the fee schedule builder and code grouping filters on our worklists and rules.

New place of service + remark codes

We added place of service codes and remark codes to our Denials rule building features like automated assignments, automations and exclusions.

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New table header drag feature

Tables with draggable headers now show placeholders so you know exactly where you're moving a column header.


Want to know more about Rivet's products? Download our one-page Rivet overview or schedule a demo.

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